
Inventhelp glassdoor
Inventhelp glassdoor

Based on the opinion, the attorney may then help prepare and file a US patent application for the idea with the US Patent and Trademark Office. InventHelp can also refer you to an independent licensed patent attorney to provide a preliminary patent search and opinion. They can assist you in trying to submit your inventions or new product ideas to industry.

inventhelp glassdoor

InventHelp has made its corporate headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for over thirty years. InventHelp maintains the largest network of regional sales offices of any similar firm: 60+ cities in the US, Canada, Germany and Australia. InventHelp employs more than 100 people at our headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which include researchers, illustrators, writers as well as customer service representatives and other staff. “Thanks to its Data Foundry, Eramet has succeeded in implementing a number of artificial intelligence products that allow us to be more predictive and less reactive in our core business,” explains Jean-Loup Loyer, Chief Data & Analytics Officer of Eramet.InventHelp is a leading inventor service firm, established in 1984. This project relies on a Data Foundry, a multidisciplinary team that processes data generated by the information systems, UAVs, and connected sensors present in large numbers at the group’s industrial sites. Finally, we need to ensure the traceability and quality of the products from production to delivery.” Second: we want to optimize our processes using data and AI. “At Eramet, our digital transformation roadmap is defined in three axes,” says Ludovic Donati, Digital Transformation Director of Eramet.” First: we want to connect geology to the economy. At the heart of this process is the exploitation of data and artificial intelligence as strategic levers to improve the group’s productivity and commercial performance. With the help of Capgemini Invent, Eramet has embarked on a transformation journey. Eramet, a French mining and metallurgical group operating internationally, is a key player in the extraction and valorization of metals for the energy and ecological transition.

Inventhelp glassdoor